Friday, April 11, 2008

The First Nothing

Well, I googled this blog title and discovered that I am not at all original.

That is fine.

I doubt that I or any other the other bloggers using this title will be landing the coveted blogger-book-deal anytime soon. And I really like this title. So, I'm keeping it for now and shall replace it if and when I find something I like better.

I have tried to blog before and I am simply not good at finishing things I start. But I am being encouraged yet again to try this again and so I will.

My framing device, my ongoing meme, shall be to write about the busy nothings that fill my world, because I am just like Fanny Price and my daily routine, my peers and colleagues, my work are all busy to little purpose. I don't for a minute think that I am special in this regard or that those around me don't see and feel this fact too. But this is the world I live in these days, and I will write about it.